I recently got a wake up call. I have always been passing my modules with a few hassles here and there but I would never fail even the hardest test because I am a hard worker. I always want to achieve the best results(a trait I get from my day). A wrote my first semester test for Business Law for the 2nd semester, I remember the feeling I had after writing that paper I was disappointed in myself because I knew I hadn’t done my best whatsoever. I got my test back few days ago and I literally wanted to cry. I got just below 50% and all I felt was disappointment I felt like a failure. I thought about how I handle the studying for the paper and realised I wasn’t serious enough I took the module for granted and that’s wasn’t clever of me. So yes I got a wake up call… Do you want to know what that call said? Its said” Kabie you are smarter than this, you can do better than this, why are you putting yourself down? Raise up and work hard to claim the prize that you deserve which is a Diploma in Marketing in 3 years nothing more than that.

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